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Credit Monkey: Credit Repair Services Review

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Credit Monkey: Credit Repair Services Review

Credit Monkey is a FICO Pro certified credit repair company that provides its services in all 50 states. It offers a 90-day money-back guarantee and will charge you only when your dispute letters are mailed. Continue reading our full Credit Monkey review to know everything about its services.


90-day money-back guarantee
Flexible plans
24/7 client portal
Free phone consultation


Not accredited by the BBB


Quick Stats

BBB Rating
Cancelation Policy
Trustpilot Score
Phone, live chat
Initial Fees
Money-Back Guarantee
90 days
Monthly Fee
Customer Experience

About Credit Monkey

Credit Monkey is a highly rated credit repair company, which is based in California. It earned a 4.7 stars rating from Trustpilot, a 4.35 stars rating from customer reviews, and a C rating from the Better Business Bureau. Customer reviews praise their quick processes and promising results. The company promises a 90-day money-back guarantee if no items were disputed, and will only charge you when your dispute letters are mailed, which means you can get started for free.

How Does Credit Monkey Work?

The process is quite simple; as soon as you sign up with Credit Monkey, you will get an account on their cloud-based Credit Repair Monitoring (CRM) software where you can access your credit repair process in real-time, and view your score graphs and information from any device.

You can get started by scheduling a free phone consultation at 877-701-7307 or by pressing the “ Free Consultation” button on their website.

Credit Monkey will review your credit reports from the three major credit bureaus and will start disputing any negative items. Credit Monkey also offers its clients access to its Credit Training Academy, which educates them on earning and maintaining a high credit rating.

What Items Can Credit Monkey Dispute?

According to studies, 89% of credit reports contain mistakes or serious errors. Credit Monkey can dispute the following negative items if applicable:

  • Inquiries
  • Bankruptcies
  • Collections
  • Charge-offs
  • Late payments
  • Judgments
  • Tax liens
  • Addresses

Credit Monkey Plans and Prices

The company offers several subscription plans, each offering a specific number and different kinds of negative items it can dispute. Credit Monkey also charges zero first work fees.

Plan A: $99

This plan disputes up to 5 negative items on:

  • Collections
  • Credit Card Lates
  • Store Card Lates

Plan B: $159

This plan disputes up to 10 negative items, also on:

  • Collections
  • Credit Card Lates
  • Store Card Lates

Plan C: $199

Plan C disputes negative items and inquiries; no limit is stated.

Plan D: $299

With Plan D, Credit Monkey can dispute unlimited judgments, tax liens, and auto rates.

Plan E: $399

Plan E offers disputes on public records, negative items, and tax liens.

Plan F: $499

Plan F offers disputes on public records, negatives, and inquiries.

Customer Support

You can reach Credit Monkey’s team by phone at 877-701-7307 or through live chat on their website. Several blogs are also available on their website, which include posts on the best credit repair companies, how to build good credit, and much more.

Final Words

Credit Monkey is a unique credit repair company that will not charge you until your dispute letters are mailed. It is known for its fast negative item dispute process and offers you a 90-day money-back guarantee if no items were disputed within that period. You get a free phone consultation to get started and a number of flexible plans with competitive pricing.

How much does Credit Monkey charge?
How can I reach Credit Monkey?
Is Credit Monkey legit?
Does Credit Monkey offer a money-back guarantee?
What kind of items can Credit Monkey dispute?

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