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Making the Grade: VoIP Advantages for Schools & Universities

Making the Grade: VoIP Advantages for Schools & UniversitiesMaking the Grade: VoIP Advantages for Schools & Universities
How do VoIP systems help universities and schools?

Updated: March 11, 2024

Traditional phone systems in schools before the millennium might have included old-fashioned switchboards and landlines. Internet connectivity wasn't a resource like it is today. Remarkably, it wasn't until the 1990s that schools integrated computers into classrooms and connected to the Internet, reports The Journal. As more schools connected to the World Wide Web, alternative communication options arose. 

VoIP, or Voice over Internet Protocol, is a viable phone system for today's K-12 establishments and college universities. When using VoIP, you place a phone call over a broadband connection instead of a phone line. 

In this blog post, we’ll discuss how VoIP systems can benefit both schools and universities. Learn about the main benefits of VoIP and upgrade your system accordingly


Saving Money

Schools no longer have expensive phone bills with VoIP, often including long-distance charges. Because VoIP uses internet connectivity, monthly charges are typically a flat rate. Although unique to each provider, these charges can be less than those of traditional phone lines.

Also, consider the costs associated with phone maintenance. Traditional phone lines at a school or university might have a large switchboard or similar design. When this hardware breaks down, it's expensive to repair. With VoIP, there is no major hardware to install. Although there may be an Internet router or softphone, most VoIP hardware resides with the provider. These cloud-based services are cost-effective for most institutions and secure any data with the latest protections.

Improving Communication

How does VoIP help improve communications?

VoIP has more communication pathways than just standard phone calls. Enhance communication between parents and faculty, for instance. With included video conferencing, parent-teacher conferences can occur more than just once every school year. Also, teachers might video conference with colleagues at other institutions for enrichment purposes.

VoIP improves communication within an institution by offering unified communication platforms. These features ensure clear communication at even the busiest schools, from standard phone calls to messaging. Consider some of the most helpful options, such as voicemail-to-email features, for your faculty. With this feature, efficiently relay messages among your faculty so that no one is out of the loop.

Offering Scalability

Your school can set up as many phone lines as needed with VoIP, without being constrained to one standard phone jack per room. For example, an adapter can be added to a standard phone line to instantly set up an ordinary phone on the VoIP network. Alternatively, install softphones as an upgrade to your phone system. These phones simply connect with your internet router and VoIP provider for instant calling.

In addition, access VoIP through your computer. By using a headset, you can place calls through the computer. This VoIP option is precious for administrative positions revolving around incoming phone calls.

The VoIP system can change with time as colleagues enter the institution or leave for other opportunities. Add, move, or remove lines as necessary. Truthfully, VoIP's scalability has no limits.

Integrating With Educational Tools

Today's teachers and professors rely on one or more educational tools to manage their teaching progress. Also known as learning management systems (LMS), these platforms are constantly on teachers' computers. If an institution wants to install VoIP, concerns over integration with LMS are widespread. Luckily, VoIP works seamlessly with most LMS platforms.

Typically, most schools use several popular LMS platforms, such as Google Classroom or Canvas. Many VoIP providers ensure their services won't interfere with these platforms. VoIP and LMS can work together if the school has reliable broadband.

Discussing compatibility with the provider is critical if a school uses another LMS. In most cases, the provider should be able to verify compatibility before the school enters into any contract.

Providing Emergency Communication

How does VoIP offer emergency communications?

Emergencies arise at any learning institution. For example, specific threats can be as varied as a fire occurrence to a suspicious person on campus. VoIP communication is possible throughout the campus and extends to other connected facilities, such as satellite campuses.

A key feature within VoIP is a mass notification system. During an emergency, an administrator can send out pertinent information to colleagues. Because of this notification, everyone who needs to know about a situation can be updated.

By extension, most VoIP systems include instant messaging. For example, the message can reach one or several individuals if you need to chat with a colleague without disturbing a classroom. During a confined emergency, instant messaging might be a better solution than a mass notification. In this scenario, you avoid disrupting the entire campus. Only the immediate parties involved can deal with the issue and move forward.

Furthermore, emergency communication extends to 911 services. Depending on the VoIP provider, your institution's location should be visible to 911 operators in case of an emergency call. In the past, only traditional phone lines had this capability.

Supporting Remote Learning

What are the remote learning options offered by VoIP systems?

As many people still work or learn from home today, it's critical to have a system that supports these needs. Because VoIP resides on a broadband line, you can learn remotely without any communication issues. For example, a teacher might be off campus because of a convention or meeting. Through VoIP, this teacher can still offer video lectures to the students while off-site.

Another application resides in virtual classrooms. An international class can be held over VoIP as students and faculty meet up for a discussion. Ultimately, everyone can collaborate as if they're in the same room. VoIP's clear audio and connections add to rich education across the world.

Simplifying System Management

These institutions might have dozens or hundreds of phone lines, from elementary schools to sprawling universities. Managing the phone system alone is a significant undertaking. With VoIP, the system has a centralized platform where administrators can work on nearly every feature.

For example, administrators can add or remove phone lines from various rooms. Manage call waiting or voicemail, too. Because teachers and other faculty might move rooms over the years, choosing a versatile VoIP system creates easy transitions. In the past, changing any traditional phone line required an appointment with the phone company and costly charges. Today, perform VoIP management on a company computer or tablet, depending on the provider's features.

Enhancing Security Protocols

Because VoIP uses a broadband connection, your phone calls can be protected like other online protocols, suggests the US Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Security Agency. Information might be saved in several ways, such as:

• Encryption
• Firewalls
• Updated software

Other systems don't have these security measures. In particular, securing student information within a school setting is critical to safety and protecting everyone from identity theft. Typically, an establishment might work alongside the VoIP provider so that regular security updates are a priority. With this constant communication, the software and hardware will always have the latest protections in the industry.

Streamlining Administrative Processes

Answering incoming calls is a full-time job for each school department. As a solution, add VoIP to your institution. It effectively streamlines many protocols. For example, an automated attendant can greet callers and route them to the proper department or extension. As a result, there's no need for a dedicated administrator for the main line. Now, this administrator is free to perform other critical duties.

Also, VoIP often has enhanced features, such as voicemail transcription. Take a glance at the transcribed messages instead of taking the time to listen to each one, for instance. For busy departments, transcriptions can streamline calls into attendance, financial aid, and other areas. Overall, your administrative group benefits from a more efficient workspace and reduced stress.

Incorporating Future Technologies

One of the best characteristics of VoIP is its ability to merge with future technologies. VoIP can work with nearly any emerging invention because it runs through broadband and utilizes software updates. As technology moves forward, such as with enhanced accessibility features, VoIP can use these options as essential upgrades over the years.

Artificial intelligence (AI) is another trend that can be part of a VoIP system. For example, AI actively reduces noise during a phone call. AI might transcribe conference calls in real time. As AI develops, its benefits can enhance your VoIP as the provider upgrades its services. As a result, calls can be clear and documented as educators communicate with students, faculty, and other professionals.


VoIP for schools and universities offers cost savings, data security, better communication, and enhanced efficiency. Also, you can easily integrate current and future technologies into a VoIP system. Ideally, school administrators should research today's VoIP options to budget an upgrade soon. Ultimately, VoIP can improve collaboration, enhance emergency protocols, and streamline administrative protocols at nearly any learning institution.

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