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How VoIP Enhances Remote Work Experience

How VoIP Enhances Remote Work ExperienceHow VoIP Enhances Remote Work Experience
Enhance remote work with a VoIP system.

Updated: March 11th, 2024. 

In today’s world, offices are less relevant than before. People can now work from anywhere globally, thanks to technological advances that make it easier for employees to connect with managers and collaborate with their coworkers.

In this blog post, we focus on Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) and how it has helped enhance business operations and increase remote worker efficiency.


Understanding VoIP Technology

What is the technology of VoIP?
What is the technology of VoIP? 

Voice over Internet Protocol is nothing new. In fact, it has been around for quite some time, specifically since 1973, when the first attempt at voice transmission occurred. In a typical VoIP setup, you will have a router for the Internet, an endpoint device, either a smartphone, laptop, or desktop, and a handset or business phone system. 

Speech is transmitted over the Internet, just like it would with a physical landline. However, here’s the difference: The technology relied on is the internet rather than a landline. Voice is converted into digital signals, which are then transmitted over digital data packets using a WAN or any other local area network for the phone calls to be successful.

VoIP utilizes a real-time protocol, ensuring the data packets are delivered immediately. To use VoIP, you must be connected to the internet using an Ethernet cable, Wi-Fi, or mobile connection.

Key Benefits of VoIP for Remote Work

How can VoIP benefit remote work?
How can VoIP benefit remote work? 

VoIP allows remote workers to stay connected without interruption. Employees utilize their phones, which become IP phones, whenever connected to the internet, allowing for making and receiving calls. Some of VoIP’s advantages include:

  • Cost-savings: VoIP lets you save up to 50% on telecommunication costs by providing software and hardware options matching your needs and budget. Call costs are much more affordable, especially if remote workers frequently make domestic and international calls. Plus, you will not need traditional phone lines, as VoIP operates over the internet
  • Flexibility: VoIP has no location restrictions, making it an excellent choice for remote work communication. Additionally, it does not discriminate when it comes to the device you are using. Pick whatever you are most comfortable with, whether a smartphone, desktop, tablet, or dedicated VoIP hardware. Service plans are flexible, too, from basic to more comprehensive plans for those who make long-distance calls often
  • Scalability: VoIP can grow or shrink in capacity and size depending on your current needs. If new workers arrive, this technology can easily accommodate them, usually without adding more hardware. Is the business expanding to a new location? Scaling VoIP systems can be done effortlessly with virtual extensions and additional phone numbers for various geographic regions
  • Improved communication: Long-distance or international calls are less costly, allowing your business to allocate resources to more critical areas. VoIP depends on real-time communication protocols, which are crucial for ensuring effective communication in business settings. Collaboration is also improved, especially compared to traditional voice calls. That’s because VoIP offers other advantageous features, including video conference, screen sharing, and instant messaging, among others

With VoIP technology, businesses gain a better way of communicating without noticeable delays while adapting to their ever-changing needs.

VoIP Features

With VoIP, your business has a powerful tool that costs just a fraction of what it typically takes to operate and maintain a conventional call center. Although not all service providers offer the same features, most of the top and reputable ones have the following capabilities that your business cannot do without:

  • Softphones: Having a traditional telephone on your desk is always great. But do you know what is even better than that? You guessed it right—a softphone that lets you receive and make calls anywhere, using any device. Just install the software on your computer or smartphone, and you can connect to a virtual phone system. Softphone features let you enhance your workflow while enjoying flexibility for your business in managing calls
  • Mobile apps: VoIP's reliance primarily on software rather than hardware is a huge advantage. It means you can have a virtual office right on your device when installing a VoIP app. This app allows you to converse with your partners, customers, and teams whenever and wherever you wish
  • Virtual extensions: Your remote workers cannot use their own numbers. With VoIP, you can assign a virtual number for them with local area codes. These virtual numbers provide your business and team with a local presence, regardless of where the personnel may be
  • Call forwarding: You can set up call forwarding to connect them to their current location. This feature reduces the risk of missing important calls, mainly when they are working in a different area or outside the usual facility
  • Instant messaging: Although VoIP is often associated with voice calls and even video calls, it also allows instant messaging. Text-based communication is helpful for collaborative work and other processes that require quick responses
  • Emergency calling: Remote workers need accurate routing of emergency calls, especially those working alone. E911 services help ensure medical or other help required will arrive at the right location

Apart from the above, VoIP allows for the integration of unified communication tools. In other words, collaborative and communication tools essential to the company’s operations can be found and accessed on just one platform.

For example, voice calls and video conferencing can be used on one platform, effectively streamlining the user experience. Switching from one application to another is unnecessary when sending a message, calling, or sharing files with other team members.

Security Measures in VoIP

The level of security in a VoIP system.
The level of security in a VoIP system.

Using VoIP is beneficial for your business; however, it also comes with significant risks you must pay attention to. It can be highly vulnerable to cyberattacks and data breaches if you’re not careful. Staying vigilant is the first step you should take to prevent the following security risks in the first place:

  • Phishing: A common security issue, phishing is when a cybercriminal pretends to be another person or website to trick users into providing their information
  • Distributed Denial of Service: DDoS attacks happen when cybercriminals use up all the bandwidth by requesting too much data in so little time. When this occurs, all VoIP activities generally stop as all server bandwidth gets exhausted. This inconvenience can result in a complete halt in your day-to-day operations
  • Call tampering: When hackers disrupt an ongoing call, it is known as tampering. It usually happens when noise packets and large volumes of data are sent to the VoIP network
  • Malware: If your VoIP network is under a malware attack, your network’s bandwidth is consumed quickly, resulting in a signal disruption. The quality of your calls will surely suffer

Although cybercriminals can target your VoIP phone network, there are easy ways for you to circumvent these age-old tricks. These include utilizing multi-factor authentication (MFA) for enhanced security, using complex passwords, opting for solutions equipped with robust encryption protocols, regularly reviewing and updating firewall settings, enabling automatic updates for software and security patches, and implementing virtual private network (VPN) connections for remote staff.

Choosing a reputable VoIP provider with a proven track record of prioritizing customer security is imperative. Additionally, ensure the company adheres to industry standards to uphold the quality of its VoIP services. 

Integration with Existing Tools

Does VoIP integrate with existing tools?
Does VoIP integrate with existing tools?

Like many businesses, you most likely have existing collaboration tools that remote workers utilize. VoIP systems are perfect for firms like yours, as they seamlessly integrate with the tools and applications you already use, such as:

  • Email: VoIP can be used with popular email platforms to make calls directly from the application
  • Calendars: Users can click on a note or event directly from the calendar app to make a call, which effectively streamlines communication
  • Project management platforms: Users communicate straight from the interface of their favorite project management tool. That way, team members can easily collaborate with one another, making it easy to discuss projects and other related matters without switching to another platform
  • Analytics: You can integrate your current reporting tools with your VoIP system, which then provides insights into call volumes and communication frequencies or behaviors, among others
  • Screen sharing: Many VoIP services allow integration with whiteboards and screen sharing tools, making sharing visual content quick and easy during a call
  • Video conferencing: Users can initiate video calls directly from the VoIP platform. They can also opt to transition from a voice call to a video call without switching to another program


VoIP is user-friendly with simple hardware requirements, especially compared to traditional phone systems. With a setup that is mostly software-based, remote workers only have to download and install the VoIP application on their devices. They can then use it immediately with your headsets and IP phones. With all these in mind, it is no wonder that VoIP is well-suited for remote workers, thanks to its adaptability, mobility, scalability, and many features that make communication between teams, employees, and managers effortless.

Check out our reviews of the best providers and compare each one to find the best system for your business. Furthermore, you can take a look at our blog page for more information on the industry. 

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