Report Reveals the Truth About Apple’s ‘Safe for Kids’ Apps

Published On: December 24, 2024
A recent investigation has uncovered that Apple’s App Store hosts hundreds of apps labeled safe for kids, yet they’re packed with content that’s far from appropriate. Groups like Heat Initiative and ParentsTogether Action found around 200 apps in just a day that seem to slip through the cracks.
From apps promoting unrealistic body images to anonymous chat platforms with strangers, these questionable apps are making it past Apple’s safeguards. For example, Body Tune - Photo Editor, rated for ages nine and up, allows kids to edit their appearance. Another app, Spin the Bottle: Maybe You? facilitates anonymous chats and is rated suitable for 12-year-olds. Understandably, parents and advocates raise concerns about what children might be exposed to in such apps.
Some app categories raise even bigger red flags when it comes to age ratings. According to the report, weight loss apps and apps that allow unfiltered internet access were rated as suitable for kids as young as four. This highlights a deeper issue: both Apple and developers stand to benefit financially from making apps available to wider audiences since more downloads mean more engagement. With no input from third-party child development experts, the responsibility for accurate age ratings falls entirely on Apple and the app makers, leaving plenty of room for missteps.
Apple allows developers to assign age ratings to their apps while conducting reviews to identify and reject those that violate their guidelines. The company reports having rejected over 100,000 app submissions in recent years for non-compliance. However, critics argue that this process falls short, as harmful content continues to bypass these safeguards and make its way onto the platform.
Child safety advocates are calling for a change. They’re pushing Apple to bring in independent experts to review app ratings—similar to how movies and video games are rated. This could provide more confidence for parents navigating the App Store for kid-friendly apps.
Lawmakers are also taking action to address the issue. Senator Mike Lee of Utah has introduced the App Store Accountability Act, which would require app stores to verify users’ ages and block downloads of age-inappropriate apps. This would essentially hold digital stores to the same standards as physical ones that sell age-restricted products.
Apple, for their part, says they’re committed to keeping kids safe. They’ve highlighted their parental controls and efforts to improve their app review processes. Still, with findings like this, it’s clear that more work needs to be done.
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