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Avast Cleanup Premium Is it Worth It?

Nothing is worse than a slow computer. Whether you use your computer to study, work, or play, it is one of the most frustrating experiences when your computer takes forever to start up or load some program.
One of the well-known solutions to this problem is the Avast Cleanup Premium. So, is Avast Cleanup Premium worth it? We have tried it for ourselves and came with an Avast Cleanup review, thorough, comprehensive, and honest.
The 4 Steps of the Avast Cleanup
The sole purpose of the avast cleanup is to put your computer back in shape and make it as good as new. According to Avast, this is done in four steps:
1. It Speeds up, tunes up, and revives your PC
If your computer is slow and if it keeps lagging, it is probably for one or all of the following reasons:
- Startup items - the programs that run automatically when you turn your PC on significantly slow the startup time.
- Background processes - the programs you install or have on your computer always run in the background while you're not using them. These programs hog your PC’s memory and CPU.
- Scheduled tasks - this refers to the automatically scheduled tasks of your software; when the software comes alive, it slows down your PC.
Avast Cleanup does not delete or ask you to delete any of the programs that you have. Instead, it will fix the computer's issues as follows.
It puts apps to sleep
You can switch on Sleep Mode to freeze any programs that are slowing down your computer while you're not using them. You can then launch the programs when you need them and restore all data, and put them to sleep again when you're done.
It removes junk programs and bloatware
Bloatware refers to trial versions of programs or apps, unwanted toolbars, or preinstalled software that came with the computer when you bought it. Bloatware slows down your computer if not removed.
Avast Cleanup Premium comes with a cloud-based reputation system, a comprehensive list of all possible programs with people's ratings and reviews about them. So all you have to do is decide which programs you want to remove, and Avast will do the job.
It defrags and cares for your hard disk
Avast Cleanup will re-arrange files on your hard disk to give you faster access, faster startup times, and faster loading times.
2. It gives your PC a proper cleanup
This is the step where Avast cleans up your PC's storage.
Browser cleaner
This feature will eliminate leftover data on browsers, the type of data that doesn't get deleted automatically, such as Adobe Flash Cookies. Avast cleans many browsers such as Internet Explorer, Chrome, and Firefox.
Search, plugin, and toolbar cleanup
Avast's cloud-based reputation system will help you choose the best extensions, plugins, and toolbars.
Disk cleaner
Avast will run a thorough scan on your disk for program leftovers and will remove any.

3. It fixes your PC problems
Avast Cleanup Premium comes with tools for beginners and experts to fix any crashes or freezes in your PC.
Automatic maintenance
This is done by constantly cleaning up your disk and browsers, removing broken shortcuts, and cleaning up your PC's registry.
Disk Doctor
Avast's Disk Doctor prevents errors and cures your disk every hour of every day; it fixes file system errors, data integrity (corrupt files and sudden data losses), and access rights (the "you don’t have the privileges to access this file" issue).
4. It updates your programs automatically
Why are software updates important?
- To avoid any security risk - outdated software are prone to cybersecurity attacks.
- To fix bugs - bugs come with any update.
- To get the latest features - you will stay up to date with any new features.
Avast Cleanup Premium: Plans and Pricing
Avast Cleanup premium comes with two plans, as follows:
- 1 PC - $59.99 per year. ($29.99 with our coupon)
- 10 Devices - $69.99 per year. ($34.99 with our coupon)
Both plans come with a 30-day free trial.
Avast Cleanup Premium is compatible with Windows PC, Mac, and Android.
Buy Avast Cleanup For Half The Price
How to Install Avast Cleanup Premium
1. Go to Avast, download the Avast Cleanup Premium setup file, and save it to a folder of your choice or let it go to your "Downloads" folder.
2. Right-click the downloaded setup file (avast_cleanup_setup.exe) and select Run as administrator from the context menu.
3. You will get on-screen instructions on how to install Avast Cleanup Premium on your PC.
4. You will then need to sign in with your Avast account.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Can I use my PC while Avast Cleanup Premium is scanning it?
You can use your PC during the scan. However, Avast's experts recommend that you review the scan results before Avast takes any action.
Does the Avast Premium Security plan include Avast's cleanup program?
No. You need to buy the two separately.
Can I use Avast Cleanup Premium without installing the Avast Antivirus?
Yes, you can; Avast's Cleanup program is a standalone program. However, cybersecurity experts recommend that you never leave your PC without an Antivirus, as cybercrime and cyber-attacks are on the rise.
How can I report a suspected bug?
According to Avast, you should report such issues to Avast support and provide a detailed description of the problem as follows:
- Your Windows version
- The brand and model of your PC and graphics card
- A detailed description of the problem and how to reproduce the issue
- Any error messages displayed
- Any differences on your PC following the Avast Cleanup Premium issue
How can I undo changes done by Avast?
You can undo changes from the Rescue Center on the home page of your Avast Cleanup Premium. However, not all actions are reversible. Further, you should always keep a backup; go to Menu ▸ Settings ▸ General ▸ Rescue Center and select which items should be backed up and for how long.
How can I cancel my Avast subscription?
1. Go to Avast and sign in to your account.
2.Click on the Subscriptions button.
3. Click unsubscribe and choose the subscription you want to cancel.
4. Follow the cancellation instructions on the screen.
However, you need to know that if you cancel your subscription at any time, you will not receive a refund for the remaining period. So, it is always better to cancel right before the subscription ends.
The Verdict
After trying it for ourselves, we have decided to keep using it for all of our own devices. Avast Cleanup premium provides all of the features that you need to have a clean, fast, and safe computer.
With our coupon, you can start with Avast for half the price.
Cybersecurity experts recommend that you always have the full package of Avast's VPN, Antivirus, and Cleanup Premium. This way, cyber-attackers, viruses, and malware will have a zero chance of getting to and affecting your device.