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How To Watch Deleted Youtube Videos

How to Watch Deleted YouTube Videos Easily

How to Watch Deleted YouTube Videos EasilyHow to Watch Deleted YouTube Videos Easily


Youtube is a great way to pass leisure time as it has millions of various videos that you can watch over and over again. You can even download videos and watch them offline when you don't have an internet connection. Not to mention the awesome feature of playlists where you can create your own unique playlist and share it with others or make it private. 

But have you ever opened your "Watch later" playlist and found a bunch of videos deleted or no longer available because the creator made them private? This is one of the most frustrating user experiences that you could go through while using YouTube. This doesn't have to be a huge problem all the time because most of the time, viral videos are uploaded by other channels again. However, YouTube has pretty tight regulation, and if it decides to delete a video from the platform, it will.

But what if I tell you that we have cracked the code and came up with a little trick to teach you how to watch deleted YouTube videos. You no longer have to worry about losing the videos you've always wanted to watch but never had the time for. Here, we will go through different ways on how to watch deleted YouTube videos. No more "We’re sorry, this video is no longer available" messages. Let's dive right into it.

Why Does YouTube Delete Videos?

With over 38 million channels on YouTube in 2021 alone, YouTube has put many more restrictions and guidelines that videos posted on it must follow. In addition, hundreds of videos are being posted per minute; this calls for some control measures to limit what can and cannot be posted on the second most used social media platform in the world.

This is why YouTube categorizes videos into separate genres and deletes any video that violates the terms and guidelines of YouTube. Most of the time, this happens due to copyright issues. Also, any video containing inappropriate or triggering content will be removed, and if you search for it, you will get the "Video removed: Inappropriate content" message as a result instead of the video itself. 

YouTube would also review videos reported by users as inappropriate, and there's a high chance that it will take it down if a number of people report it as so. In addition, any video containing nudity, sexual content, violence, bullying, scams, child safety, threats, harassment, and impersonation will be immediately taken down by YouTube staff that is available 24/7. 

However, if, for some reason, you are looking to watch a video that has been taken down by YouTube, we've got your back. You better believe that the internet is as deep as the ocean, and nothing gets completely deleted from it. So, let's get into how to watch deleted YouTube videos. 

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How to Watch Deleted YouTube Videos With URL

This is the "Wayback Machine" way, as some people call it. Internet Archive is a website that has been saving and archiving online content since 1996 and has over 10 billion web pages of content. It also has snapshots of how websites looked in the past, which is pretty cool if you're curious to know how your favorite social media platform looked like ten years ago or right when it started.

Now all you need is the video's URL and an internet connection to get the video back in seconds. Here are a few steps on how to watch deleted YouTube videos using their URL:

  1. Find the URL: This is a crucial step if you want to watch the lost video. First, check if you have the URL saved somewhere in an email, on a social media post, or in the messages between you and someone else. 
  2. Go to your preferred search engine and type in ""
  3. Now in the search bar, type or paste the video URL and press return. 
  4. Once the video appears, you will be able to see its details, but you will not be able to play it yet. 
  5. To play the video, you will need to download it, but this should be an easy process.
  6. To download the video and watch it, right-click on the video and click on the download option.
  7. Grab your snacks and start watching!

How to Watch Deleted YouTube Videos Without A Link

If you want to watch a deleted youtube video but you couldn't find the link no matter how hard you tried, worry not! You don't need to give up on watching your favorite video just yet. We still have another way to help you find and watch the video easily. As we said before, the internet is a deep ocean that has unlimited options and unlimited tricks.

Most of the time, people choose to replicate a video for no reason on other platforms. This means if you lost the video on youtube, you might find it on another social media platform. The internet is this simple yet complex—everything is connected. This might not be the simplest method to find your favorite YouTube video and watch it again, but we can guarantee you that it is efficient. The following trick is an SEO expert's book of secrets; we thought we would share the trick with you too.

Here's how to watch deleted YouTube videos without needing a URL:

  1. First, open a new tab in your browser and go to the search bar. 
  2. Next, you need to type in the search bar these exact words " + name of the video."
  3. This way, Google will go through all related videos in YouTube's database and give you all the possible results. 
  4. If you could not find the video on YouTube, try other social media platforms. For example, type " + name of the video" and hit the enter button. 
  5. Once you find the URL of the video, you can copy it and go back to (as we explained before), and apply all the steps we discussed. 

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How to Watch Deleted YouTube Videos Using Alternate Ways

If the YouTube video was deleted before it was indexed (before Google had read it), might not work for you. But here's another way you can search up and watch recently deleted YouTube videos. 

This will only work if the video was recently deleted.
  1. Copy the link to the deleted YouTube video. 
  2. This is an example of a deleted YouTub video:
  3. In such a link, take only this part: v=vhGWeFS0eaQ, which is the id of the deleted YouTube video.
  4. Search this video id on Google, and you will get information about this video.
  5. Now that you have the name, you can search for it on other social media platforms or on Google.

However, if you still cannot find the video after trying out all ways, it might have been completely deleted from the server and, hence, gone forever. Therefore, I hope this article was of any use to you and that you were able to locate your favorite YouTube video fast and simply.


The internet has endless possibilities; this means that most of the time, any issue will have a solution found for it as soon as it occurs. As for deleted YouTube videos, there are always other copies of them somewhere on the internet; that is why you shouldn't give up on finding your favorite video.

You can either watch your video by going to and typing in the link to it or using the other SEO method that we mentioned. And in case the YouTube video was recently deleted, you should try the URL alternative method mentioned in the last section of this article. However, if you do not end up finding the video after trying all three ways, then we are sorry to inform you that it might have been deleted from the server forever. 

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